
Peer-reviewed articals, reports, and other publications of Trent McDonald, Ph.D. Click titles to see the full citation, abstract, and a link to the online article (if it exists).

Year Title Author
2024 Marbled murrelet habitat suitability in redwood timberlands of northern coastal california utilizing LiDAR-derived individual tree metrics Lamphear, Hamm, Early et al.
2024 spbal: An R package for spatially balanced master sampling Robertson, Davies, Gansell et al.
2023 Relating Polar Bears Killed, Human Presence, and Ice Conditions in Svalbard 1987 – 2019 Vongraven, Amstrup, McDonald et al.
2023 Estimating Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) pair detection probabilities based on call-back surveys associated with long-term mark-recapture studies,1993–2018 Dugger, Franklin, Lesmeister et al.
2022 Curtailment and acoustic deterrents reduce bat mortality at wind farms Good, Iskali, Lombardi et al.
2022 Conservation of rare and cryptic species: Challenges of uncertainty and opportunities for progress Martin, Delheimer, Moriarty et al.
2022 Range-wide sources of variation in reproductive rates of northern spotted owls Rockweit, Jenkins, Hines et al.
2021 Range-wide declines of northern spotted owl populations in the pacific northwest: a meta-analysis Franklin, Dugger, Lesmeister et al.
2021 Evidence of absence regression: a binomial n-mixture model for estimating fatalities at wind energy facilities McDonald, Bay, Studyvin et al.
2021 finFindR: Automated recognition and identification of marine mammal dorsal fins using residual convolutional neural networks Thompson, Zero, Schwacke et al.
2021 Invader removal triggers competitive release in a threatened avian predator Wiens, Dugger, Higley et al.
2019 All routes are not created equal: an ungulate’s choice of migration route can influence its survival Sawyer, LeBeau, McDonald et al.
2018 Long-term trends in a northern Gulf of Mexico common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) population in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill Balmer, McDonald, Hornsby et al.
2018 Halton iterative partitioning : spatially balanced sampling via partitioning Robertson, McDonald, Price et al.
2018 Behavior of Risso’s Dolphins (Grampus griseus) in the Southern California Bight: An Aerial Perspective Smultea, Lomac-MacNair, Nations et al.
2018 Trend Estimation for Complex Survey Designs of Water Chemistry Indicators from Sierra Nevada Lakes Starcevich, McDonald, Chung-MacCoubrey et al.
2017 Using salinity to identify common bottlenose dolphin habitat in Barataria Bay, Louisiana, USA Hornsby, McDonald, Balmer et al.
2017 Greater sage-grouse male lek counts relative to a wind energy development LeBeau, Beck, Johnson et al.
2017 Greater sage-grouse, habitat selection, survival, and wind energy infrastructure LeBeau, Johnson, Holloran et al.
2017 Density and exposure of surface-pelagic juvenile sea turtles to deepwater horizon oil McDonald, Schroeder, Stacy et al.
2017 Survival, density, and abundance of common bottlenose dolphins in Barataria Bay (USA) following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill McDonald, Hornsby, Speakman et al.
2017 A modification of balanced acceptance sampling Robertson, McDonald, Price et al.
2017 Estimating sea turtle exposures to Deepwater Horizon oil Wallace, Stacy, Rissing et al.
2016 Demographic response of northern spotted owls to barred owl removal Diller, Hamm, Early et al.
2016 The effects of habitat, climate, and Barred Owls on long-term demography of Northern Spotted Owls Dugger, Forsman, Franklin et al.
2016 Behavioural responses of western gray whales to a 4-D seismic survey off northeastern Sakhalin Island, Russia Gailey, Sychenko, McDonald et al.
2016 Sargassum coverage in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico during 2010 from Landsat and airborne observations: Implications for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill impact assessment Hu, Hardy, Ruder et al.
2016 Effects of a wind energy development on greater sage-grouse habitat selection and population demographics in Southeastern Wyoming LeBeau, Johnson, Holloran et al.
2015 Effects of airgun sounds on bowhead whale calling rates: Evidence for two behavioral thresholds Blackwell, Nations, McDonald et al.
2015 Polar bear population dynamics in the southern Beaufort Sea during a period of sea ice decline Bromaghin, McDonald, Stirling et al.
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